
The Femmatas Fall Auditions!
The Femmatas have auditions at the beginning of every semester! We are a tight-knit group of friends who love to spend time together and sing all around College Station.
A couple of things on our agenda throughout the year include singing for student organizations and sporting events, performing alongside A Capella groups all across Texas in "Acappellooza", and debuting in two different concerts throughout the semester.
Auditions will be held for two days at the beginning of the semester. Both audition days will take place in the NEW Music Activities Center (MAC). The Femmatas are looking for all voice parts ranging from Alto 2 - Soprano 1. If you have any past experience beatboxing, we would love to hear it!
If you have any more questions on how the audition process works please visit us at our table at MSC Open House! We would love to meet you and give you more information. You are also more than welcome to send us an email with questions you have about The Femmatas or our audition process.

The Audition Process
1. Please prepare 30 seconds to 1 minute of a song that shows off your voice! Because we are a contemporary group, we do mainly focus on pop/top 40 music, so please keep that in mind when choosing your audition song. We would request you stay away from anything too choral or operatic because we would like to see your voice's potential in a more modern music style.
2. We will test your range on the piano so please be warmed up prior to your audition.
3. There will be a sight reading segment. Auditions move quickly, so we ask you be at least 15 minutes early to your audition because we run ahead of schedule.
***Please bring a recent head shot of you so that we can have an easier time remembering everyone who auditions***
Be on the look out for sign ups here!

New Members Spring 2018